ChainGPT Pad Welcomes STYLE Protocol IDO: Bridging Virtual Worlds

ChainGPT Pad, celebrated for its outstanding IDO services, was recognized as the most popular launchpad in 2023, showcasing its commitment to excellence and innovative practices. Always on the lookout for startups showing real potential and ingenuity, ChainGPT Pad is excited to announce the upcoming IDO of STYLE Protocol. This pioneering platform is set to create a unified, decentralized framework that connects all virtual worlds, marking a significant leap in interoperability. In a unique twist, this IDO will first be available to our valued Gold and Diamond tier members, offering them exclusive access to the private round before it becomes available to all tiers for the public round.

Redefining Digital Assets: The STYLE Protocol Vision

Transcending Identity Across Virtual Worlds

Introducing a groundbreaking concept, STYLE Protocol transforms NFTs into functional 3D assets usable in any game or metaverse. This innovation goes beyond traditional limits, allowing in-game assets like skins, weapons, and fashion items to be fully operational in multiple virtual environments.

Digital assets, ranging from artwork to practical virtual items, often face barriers that limit their utility and value growth beyond their native platforms. STYLE Protocol aims to eliminate these barriers, facilitating seamless movement and monetization of these assets across multiple virtual worlds. By bridging the gap between Web3 entities and gaming companies, among others, STYLE Protocol is creating a unified, interoperable space. This enhances the asset utility for users, like players and customers, and embeds play-to-earn and rent-to-earn principles within a decentralized framework, thus enriching the overall digital experience across multiverses.

Examples of bridgeable assets across games and metaverses. Cars, Skins, Fashion, Avatars, Pets…

The Vision of STYLE Protocol

STYLE Protocol envisions becoming the cornerstone for multiverse interoperability, maximizing the utility and value of smart digital assets and virtual goods. The protocol seeks to enable the monetization and utilization of any virtual asset across games, metaverses, or virtual worlds. With a focus on NFT-sublicensing mechanisms, STYLE Protocol strives to ensure true virtual assets and NFTs interoperability across various digital environments.

Utility and Ecosystem Flow

NFT Owners:

  • Explore new revenue streams by sublicensing their digital assets.
  • Choose specific games or metaverses for their NFTs' usage.
  • Earn royalties each time a sublicensed derivative is sold.
  • Requirement: Owning $STYLE to participate.


  • Design and craft sublicensed NFT derivatives.
  • Rewarded in USDC and $STYLE tokens from asset sales.
  • Income is based on sales price and quantity of assets created.

Environments (Metaverses and Games):

  • Essential for the practical application and interaction of virtual assets.
  • Integrate STYLE Protocol technology for asset purchases.
  • Receive a percentage of royalties from transactions within their platforms.

$STYLE Token Simplified

The $STYLE token is crucial for running a decentralized ecosystem involving various participants. It acts as an incentive for those contributing to the system and ensures a smooth flow in the supply chain. This token is central to the activities and value exchanges within the ecosystem. Its main users are:

  • NFT Owners: They can connect their NFTs to the protocol by holding a minimum amount of $STYLE.
  • Tailors: Participants who create NFT derivatives and earn rewards.
  • DAO Members: $STYLE holders can vote on the protocol’s future and development decisions.
  • Stakers: Those staking $STYLE tokens get special benefits in DAO activities and annual rewards.

The $STYLE token keeps the system functioning by rewarding three key groups: NFT owners, Tailors, and Environments (metaverses and games). These groups are fundamental in maintaining the infrastructure of this virtual asset ecosystem.

A summarized flow of value between the blockchain network built on Polkadot/Ethereum, the protocol's technical logic on the upper part, and the smart contracts's inclusivity and connectivity on the lower part.

The Power of $STYLE

Operating with $STYLE, the protocol allows users to individually utilize their assets or NFTs in 3D, offering them for rent or lending across a global network of virtual spaces. This paves the way for a future where asset cross-usability is a reality, heralding the true dawn of the multiverse.

Simplified Use Case Flow:

Let's take the example of a CloneX NFT owner. They stake their NFT in the protocol, allowing them to earn money without losing ownership of it. As part of the ecosystem, the CloneX owner gets a permanent royalty from this arrangement.

Once they connect their NFT to the system, it becomes accessible to all participating tailors. The NFT owner has control over where the NFT is used (which metaverse or game), how many copies are available in each environment, and what royalties are paid to tailors and the ecosystem when these copies are sold or rented.

This setup leads to a new way of determining market value. Rarer NFTs with fewer copies will be more valuable than common NFTs with many copies.

Tailors, who have access to the NFT in the decentralized registry, can modify it as needed, creating avatars, clothing, pets, weapons, etc. After these modifications pass a quality check, they're automatically released to the participating metaverses and games via the protocol’s API.

The final products, these modified NFTs, are then available in virtual stores or can be showcased and traded by virtual landowners. Royalties are paid out to the sellers, environments, and tailors involved throughout this process.

Highlights and Key Features of STYLE Protocol

STYLE Protocol stands out in the digital universe with its innovative approach to NFTs and virtual assets, offering both enhanced usability and a multitude of key features:

Enhanced Usability and Cross-Functionality

  • Enhanced Usability of NFTs: NFTs gain new life in various virtual settings, becoming more than just collectibles.
  • Cross-Functionality of In-Game Assets: Existing in-game assets, like skins and weapons, now work seamlessly across different virtual environments.
  • Asset Multiplication for Rental Purposes: Assets can be duplicated and lent out, providing new avenues for income generation in virtual worlds.

Monetization and Interoperability

  • Monetization Across Worlds: NFTs aren't just for show; they're now tools for earning in multiple virtual spaces.
  • NFT Licensing and Gaming Integration: A new realm where gaming NFTs meet licensing, expanding their use and value.
  • Cross-Chain Utility and Compatibility: Breaking barriers between different blockchain networks for wider asset utilization.
  • Enhanced In-Game Asset Compatibility: A deeper level of integration and usability for all types of in-game virtual goods.
  • Custom Avatars and PFP NFTs: Personalize your virtual presence with unique avatars and Profile Picture (PFP) NFTs.
  • Pioneering Token for Cross-Gaming Utility: The $STYLE token bridges different gaming platforms, enhancing the gaming experience with cross-platform utility.

STYLE Protocol is at the forefront of the evolving digital landscape, redefining the potential and utility of NFTs and virtual assets across the multiverse.


  • Leo Hilse - Web2 & Web3 Entrepreneur with experience in tech platform businesses, the fashion industry and crypto. Previously built a Fashion-NFT marketplace called „styleXchange“ (with some members of this team) also a supporter of a crypto family office in Germany and an active advisor to the Metaverse Fashion Council. (Won multiple Awards as an Entrepreneur, Many Articles Online).
  • Hamza Salem - Experienced Blockchain engineer and professor for advanced blockchain development as well as blockchain scholar and influencer with a large developer following on YouTube.
  • Savish Uttam - 3D Expert and a long-term game developer as well as virtual designer, guiding the connectivity with metaverses and games for a breathtaking transition of digital assets.
  • Sheikh Sharjeel - Experienced Developer who has led teams of 15+ developers to create apps, platforms, and beautiful online experiences for users/players and visitors, ensuring great usability of the protocol for participants.
  • Mario Zimmermann - Serial Entrepreneur with multiple successful tech exits around the globe, fundraising, and company builder supporting with network and strategy.
  • Thomas Herbst - Serial blockchain Entrepreneur with multiple successful blockchain exits helping with protocol infrastructure and network in the European blockchain industry.
  • Thomas Müller - Serial blockchain Entrepreneur with multiple successful blockchain exits helping with blockchain architecture alongside hiring for top-tech talent.
  • Carsten Claus - Future Anthropologist with a track record of supporting concept and category-shaping ventures that rethink markets and paradigms and ensure vision and goals align with sociocultural developments.
  • Matthias Meyer Lutterloh - Serial Entrepreneur with ties in the fashion industry and experienced web3 and DAO company builder, supporting culture and strategic development.



  • Birth of a decentralized protocol for unifying metaverses and games.
  • Initial testing in "Decentraland" and "Sandbox".
  • Pre-seed fundraising through a private token presale.
  • Release of Whitepaper and initial tokenomics for $STYLE protocol.
  • Winning 1st place in a European Blockchain Deep Tech Startup competition.


  • Development of the MVP for core protocol functionality.
  • Expansion of partnerships across gaming, NFT, and Web3/crypto platforms (Ethereum, Polygon, Solana, Binance).
  • Availability of SDKs for Unreal Engine and Unity.
  • Integration into VR environments, including the upcoming Apple Headset AR/VR space.
  • Connection of selected NFT collections to virtual games.
  • Release of $STYLE token to early supporters for MVP testing and development (Alpha - Early-Access Phase).
  • Closure of the early access pool in November, preparation for public IDO in 2024.


  • Launch of $STYLE Token into public circulation and mainnet activation.
  • Initial accessibility of the Token to select launchpad communities.
  • Initiation of a DEX Pool and planning for subsequent CEX listings.
  • Continued expansion of game partnerships.
  • Establishment of new relationships for enhancing NFT usability in diverse online environments.

IDO Specifications‍: The Numbers Game 📊

  • Token Symbol: $STYLE
  • Max Supply: 920,000,000
  • Network: Ethereum 
  • ‍Initial Market Cap (IMC): $366,712 
  • Circulating Supply at TGE: 70,288,000
  • Fully Diluted Valuation (FDV): $9,200,000
  • Vesting Schedule: 12% at TGE, no cliff, 5 monthly linear vesting.
  • Launchpads: ChainGPT Pad, Seedify, and Poolz
  • ‍Listing Details: TBA

Private Sale: 

  • Date: February 19-20
  • Allocation: $150,000
  • Terms: Exclusive to Gold and Diamond Tier members.
  • Token Price (Private): $0.009

Public Sale: 

  • Date: February 19-20
  • Allocation: $250,000
  • Terms: Open to all Tier members.
  • Token Price (Public): $0.010

Unleashing Virtual World Synergy: Join the STYLE Protocol IDO on ChainGPT Pad

As ChainGPT Pad gears up to launch STYLE Protocol's IDO, we're launching a new digital asset and stepping into a groundbreaking digital era. STYLE Protocol reshapes how we see and use NFTs across games and virtual worlds, offering new revenue paths, creative opportunities, and dynamic user experiences.

This IDO marks ChainGPT Pad's commitment to pioneering and transformative projects. STYLE Protocol is a tech upgrade and a cultural shift in the virtual asset world. It merges creativity, technology, and strategy to redefine digital ownership and value.

Join us on this transformative journey with STYLE Protocol on ChainGPT Pad, where we explore new horizons in the virtual asset space, heralding an exciting future for digital interactions and economies.

STYLE Protocol Resources 📚

IDO Page | Website | Whitepaper | LinkedIn | Discord | Twitter | Telegram | Contact 

ChainGPT General Resources 🔗

Official Links: Website | Crypto AI Hub | AI NFT Generator | ChainGPT Pad | AI-Generated News | ChainGPT DAO | $CGPT Staking | Blog | Brand-Kit |📧 Contact |

Social Media Links - Join Our Community: Twitter | Pad Twitter | Telegram Group | Telegram News Channel | Discord | CMC | Youtube | Instagram | Medium | Linkedin |

ChainGPT Pad Inquiries:
Gintare Kairyte: [email protected]

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