Patex: Forging Strategic Alliances and Expanding Horizons

Patex — the industry’s first and largest blockchain ecosystem in Latin America, has been at the forefront of forging strategic alliances, expanding its advisory board, and establishing connections with influential individuals and institutions. Here, we dive into the details of Patex’s recent accomplishments and its promising future.

💬 Twitter Spaces session with Ex-President of the Central Bank of Brazil

In a remarkable move that grabbed the attention of the cryptocurrency community, Patex organized a Twitter Space session featuring the ex-President of the Central Bank of Brazil. During this insightful discussion, the potential of joining the Patex advisory board was explored, indicating the project’s commitment to gaining valuable insights from experienced financial experts.

🧰 Director of Strategy for BRICS+ Joins the Team

Patex has been successful in securing the expertise of the Director of Strategy for BRICS+, a significant political organization that unites the world’s major emerging economies. This strategic move has facilitated governmental-level negotiations with Brazil, Peru, and Mexico, particularly in the context of assisting with their Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) launches and potential trading on the C-Patex Exchange. The CEO of Patex, Ricardo, and the Director of Strategy have been actively engaging with high-level politicians and prestigious universities to further these collaborations.

📢 Hosting the First Offline Event: WEB3 LATAM II

Patex recently organized its first offline event, WEB3 LATAM II, in São Paulo, Brazil. The event featured prominent speakers from the financial industry, including representatives from Banco BV, Visa, and Acura Capital. These speakers shared their insights into the blockchain and cryptocurrency space, solidifying Patex's presence in the industry.

Also, Patex's C-level executives are active participants in other events. Some of the latest include DEF CON, a major cybersecurity event for specialists from all over the world. The project's CISO, Marcos Reis, had the privilege to join the conference, gain valuable industry insights, and forge some inspiring dialogues.

But that's not all; the aforementioned Ricardo Da Ros is about to visit the Future Innovation Summit held in Dubai next week. Patex is all about spreading its vision across the globe, and attending such conferences is a great way to achieve that.

🤝 A Major Investment and Partnership

One of the most significant developments for Patex has been a substantial investment of $10 million at a valuation of $100 million. This investment comes from one of Brazil’s largest funds with $1.3 billion in Assets Under Management (AUM), signaling confidence in Patex’s potential. Furthermore, this fund is collaborating with Patex to launch a Digital Bank, marking a significant step towards innovation in the financial sector.

🧬 Strengthening Advisory Board

Patex has welcomed new advisors, including Guilherme Jovanovic, founder of YAY network, and Cristian Aranha, founder of Cortex. Discussions are also underway with Maven Capital, indicating Patex's commitment to building a diverse and experienced advisory board.

You should pay close attention to adding Antonio Delfino to the team. He is a distinguished individual with experience as the former Head of Pay-Cards for Latam at Binance and as a postgraduate professor at several renowned universities.

His role is to spearhead partnerships with top universities in Latin America, further enhancing Patex's educational outreach.

📈 Forging Alliances with Major Latin American Networking Hub

Patex is in the final stages of negotiations with a provider of one of the most important innovation events in the Latin American region. The discussions center around Patex becoming the validator for crypto-investment and blockchain courses across hundreds entities and universities in Latin America. This potential partnership could provide access to a staggering 50 million individuals in a conservative estimate, significantly expanding Patex's reach.

🔎 Strategic Partnerships

In its pursuit of innovation and growth, Patex has established partnerships with several key players in the blockchain and cryptocurrency space, including DappOS, DEXCheck, Planet, Assetux, TaskOn, Carbon browser, TON, and SWFT.

🌍 New Strategic Collaborations

The list of strategic partnerships continues to grow, with Patex forging alliances with Spark Digital, BBS Finance, Icetea Labs, Acura Capital and Gains Associates. These partnerships will undoubtedly contribute to Patex’s long-term success and its mission to shape the future of digital assets.

📝 Core Documentation Update by Patex

Patex has recently carried out a substantial update to its core documentation to reflect the latest advancements and strategies.

The revised Pitch Deck elaborates on Patex’s strategic direction and value proposition. Similarly, the updated Tokenomics document delves into the economic model that underpins the Patex ecosystem.

Additionally, the White Paper (WP) has been revised to incorporate the latest technical and strategic insights.

Lastly, the Proof of Value concept document has been refined to clearly articulate the innovative approach Patex is adopting to reward community engagement.

The updated documents are now available for review, showcasing the commitment of Patex towards transparency.

In conclusion, Patex is making remarkable progress in the blockchain industry. With a focus on strategic partnerships, advisory board expansion, and educational outreach, Patex is poised to play a pivotal role in the adoption and growth of digital assets in Latin America and beyond. As the project continues to evolve, the web3 community and ChainGPT’s team eagerly awaits the next chapter in Patex’s journey.

Patex Resources:

🌐 General: Website
📃 Docs: Whitepaper | Tokenomics | Gitbook
🤳 Social Media: Twitter | Telegram | YouTube | Instagram | Facebook

General Resources:
🌐 Website | 📧 Contact | 🤖 Brand | 📃 Whitepaper

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